Unraveling the Mystery of GEDmatch: Exploring the DNA Analysis Platform

What Is Gedmatch? Gedmatch is an essential website offering both free and advanced DNA analysis tools for users to take advantage of.

In this post, you will gain some knowledge of Gedmatch and its history as well as its key features and functions.

Introduction to Gedmatch by outlining its features, tools, and applications
How and Why Gedmatch Can Help with Genealogy
Gedmatch provides tools that allow users to easily analyze their DNA as well as that of their matches, discover new family connections, and further understand their ancestry. Many tools are accessible for free so newcomers can quickly begin researching their roots.

Gedmatch is one of my go-to DNA sites. As one of the first genealogy and DNA websites I learned how to navigate, Gedmatch was instrumental in helping me expand my knowledge about genetic genealogy and family trees.

Gedmatch provides DNA analysis tools both free and advanced paid.

Who founded Gedmatch? Gedmatch was established by Curtis Rogers and John Olson and run entirely by volunteers for almost nine years, its main stated aim being as an invaluable resource for amateur genealogists. Since its conception it has stayed true to this aim.

Gedmatch quickly gained in popularity among genealogists who quickly recognized DNA analysis – particularly matches – could be an invaluable asset when conducting family tree research. Since Gedmatch launched, over one million people have created profiles with Gedmatch.

Gedmatch was sold to Verogen, Inc. in 2019 with their promise that they will keep to its original mission of offering free DNA analysis tools for genealogy.

Gedmatch Genesis ran as two distinct, yet interlinked websites until they eventually merged to form one site known simply as “Gedmatch”.

All the information in this post applies to the modern, updated Gedmatch website that underwent major cosmetic updates in 2021, offering a fresh new look and easier navigation.

Who Can Use Gedmatch? Anyone who has already had their DNA tested through Ancestry DNA, 23andMe, My Heritage DNA or Family Tree DNA or certain other companies can utilize Gedmatch. Setting up an account takes only minutes while uploading DNA data obtained through these testing companies can quickly.

Gedmatch is not a DNA testing company and you will have to undergo autosomal DNA testing through either Ancestry DNA or 23andMe before using its website.

Gedmatch requires users to upload the raw DNA file they received from a DNA testing company and upload it on Gedmatch for comparison with existing database matches. Furthermore, many tools on the site require opting in for DNA matching in the database as well.

As part of Gedmatch DNA matching, users should be aware that by opting-in they may appear in searches performed by other users (including researchers working for law enforcement to identify victims or perpetrators of violent crimes) or the most popular use for Gedmatch – finding matches – this means you may appear as one or more matches for other Gedmatch users.

How to Use Gedmatch
One of the great advantages of Gedmatch is their acceptance of DNA uploads from multiple testing companies, making it possible to locate DNA family matches who tested with different companies – even those not involved with testing! You will even be able to discover matches who tested at non-related labs!

DNA testing can be costly. Not everyone can afford multiple companies’ tests at once if each test costs roughly $100 each.

Gedmatch’s website can help us locate biological relatives who have tested with other companies.

People from around the world can upload their DNA samples and connect if desired – Gedmatch allows us to find relatives from other countries whom we may never have otherwise discovered otherwise.

Gedmatch has helped me connect with relatives from all around the world. It’s an incredible resource for finding family in different nations!

Gedmatch can only work once you have access to your raw DNA file; all major DNA testing companies provide this access.

Continue reading to gain more insight! I used Ancestry DNA when testing my DNA and will refer to that company whenever describing examples of their services. Once Ancestry DNA completes its test, all your genetic information is stored securely in a file.

Ancestry DNA’s raw DNA file simply contains numbers that only make sense to computers – you won’t understand anything when reading it; I know, because it means nothing to me either!

However, websites like Gedmatch have developed special software capable of reading it just like Ancestry DNA can.

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