DNA Testing for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Developing a Testing Strategy

Are You Wondering How to Start DNA Testing?? Unfortunately, the internet can provide conflicting advice about which DNA company or test for Ancestry DNA should be selected as the best. Therefore it may be understandable if hesitating is something which occurs to you before moving forward with testing for ancestry DNA.

I am sharing with you my optimal strategy for DNA testing that will save both money and time, while helping maximize what can be learned from your unique DNA profile.

At the outset of this post, I’ll briefly go over some differences among DNA testing companies before offering my ultimate strategy to help maximize your DNA testing budget.

Which DNA Test Should I Take? There are so many companies offering DNA testing – how do you select one and know that this company offers quality services? Eventually, all companies offering tests offer something similar – so which company offers the most accurate DNA results?

Are the solutions all trustworthy? Will I achieve equal results no matter which option I select?

Which company provides the greatest value for their money?

These DNA testing companies are highly-recommended. If a company isn’t currently listed here, I cannot feel comfortable recommending them:

Ancestry DNA, 23 and Me, My Heritage DNA, Family Tree DNA and Living DNA are all reliable services and will deliver similar results, but when choosing which DNA test to purchase there are additional important considerations that must be considered.

Money doesn’t grow on trees and most of us can’t afford to purchase five DNA tests!

What DNA testing company should I choose? With all the top companies providing similar, reputable services at relatively similar costs, choosing one to take a DNA test from is no simple matter. Your choice will ultimately depend on what purpose the DNA test serves for you – why exactly are you taking one in the first place?

Are You Searching for Living Relatives, Health Info? or Information

Are You Searching for Someone Specific or an Ancestors Group? (Form A to G below).

Are You Seeking Information About the Parents of Your Grandfather or Advanced DNA Data?

How much information about your ancestry do you wish to discover? Are the majority of your recent ancestors from overseas (not the US)?

Do you have recent ancestry from the British Isles and would like to gain all the information available about them?

There may be many reasons for someone (e.g. you) wanting to take a DNA test; these questions represent just some of the more frequently discussed motives for doing so.

Below I provide my recommendations for some of these often encountered situations:

Wait – I still haven’t shared my ultimate DNA testing strategy! Not only will it save both time and money, but you will learn everything there is to know about yourself, family heritage and your DNA!

What’s the Best DNA Testing Strategy? Did you know that all major DNA testing services, including Ancestry DNA, offer you the ability to download your genetic information and upload it onto other websites?

You can select just one or two companies to test with and upload your data for free or a nominal fee to all other testing services and sites – giving you almost identical access to information as if you spent over $600-700 on testing.