Are you curious to see examples of Ancestry DNA results before making your decision about taking the test yourself? In this post, I will show my DNA results as an example of Ancestry DNA results.

Ancestry DNA was an amazing experience. Although I had long been interested in family history and genealogy, the DNA stuff took it all up another level for me.

This post has been revised as of June 14, 2019 to incorporate Ancestry DNA results.

As soon as you log into Ancestry DNA, the screen below will appear – I have blocked out some portions for privacy purposes.

Ancestry offers an attractive interface and website design, so I don’t want you to imagine black boxes on your screen!

As can be seen in the image, my DNA results are broken up into three sections. These allow me to access my DNA Story, Matches and ThruLines by clicking on one of the green buttons under each section.

Below I will provide more examples and explanations.

This image illustrates what I see when I log into Ancestry DNA results: DNA Stories, Matches and ThruLines — as well as access to tons of informative fun!

What Do You Get with Ancestry DNA Story? My DNA Story provides detailed information about my ethnicity and Migrations that I belong to; its first part being my ethnicity estimate.

Clicking through allows me to get more details and discover any ethnicities I may belong to.

From this image, it can be seen that I am 43% Germanic Europe. I was surprised when I learned this fact since I expected more England, Wales, and Northwestern European ancestry for myself.

Under my ethnicity estimate, I can view my Migrations. This feature of Ancestry DNA is truly impressive!

Clicking one of the Migrations will provide historical context about why and when my ancestors settled there.

This information can be very beneficial when researching your family tree.

Due to a request made in this post for more detail on my ethnicity estimate, I decided to add this section dedicated to showing an example of my results. Your own results may vary as each is specific to you based on information related to your ancestry and personal ancestry history.

As soon as you log into your results, a pie chart will display all of the major ethnicity regions and when clicked “DNA Story,” an exhaustive list will appear of all your ethnicity regions.

As my roots extend from Colonial America and some later (but earlier-ish) European migrations to North America, my ethnicity results included two “Migrations.” Ancestry’s DNA test indicated that my ancestors likely lived among New England colonists.