Mercedes Brons has been studying genetic genealogy, family tree research and DNA for the last seven years. I’ve helped numerous family members, friends, online acquaintances, readers of my blog as well as their DNA results understand their DNA results, find lost family members or even discover biological parents – it’s my passion!

Since elementary school, my dream career had always been to become a writer. Unfortunately, life took an unexpected path and instead led me towards earning both a Bachelors in International Affairs and then Masters in Business Administration instead. Over the last five years of writing for this site (and an Amazon book available worldwide) that have been read by millions around the globe, my dream finally became true – thank you so much for being my reader!

My writing has been referenced on multiple blogs, forums, podcasts and textbooks. Furthermore, it has become a valuable resource for genealogical societies and other organizations that help local communities maintain an ongoing connection to their ancestors.

My name is Melissa and I currently reside in the Northeast United States with my husband, children, and dog; although originally from the southeast. My hobbies outside of genealogy are traveling, learning history, writing (I’ve self-published several books!), speaking Spanish fluently (additionally I also speak Portuguese and German! ), speaking French fluently as well. Feel free to reach out in any language (even French or German! ) should any assistance be required!

Are You Just Beginning Genetic Genealogy (Use of DNA Test Results to Trace Family Tree History and Find Close Relatives)? I hope that this website provides helpful resources. My mission is to assist and unlock any mysteries which arise in Genetic Genealogy research.