DNA Testing Guide for Beginners: Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Test Your DNA

Are You Curious to Learn the Basics of DNA Testing? In this post, discover all that’s involved with testing your DNA starting with its basics – how to select a DNA Test etc.

Perhaps you want to conduct a DNA test after seeing one of those shows on TV, or simply want to discover where your red hair comes from. DNA can also be a useful genealogy resource!

People become interested in DNA testing for numerous reasons.

No matter your motivations, taking a DNA test is easy and enjoyable. Not only can it teach you more about your ancestry but it can even lead to finding new family members!

Are you curious to gain more information on DNA testing? Read up!

Which DNA Test Should I Take? | When selecting your testing company, your initial step should be selecting which company best meets your needs. With so many to choose from, there should be something suitable to meet any individual’s DNA testing needs.

Ancestry DNA was my initial choice for testing my DNA. With access to over 14 million testers worldwide, they proved an ideal resource in helping me trace my difficult-to-trace family tree.

I found a first cousin of my mom that they never knew about – we now share an amazing bond and regularly visit each other, even though we live on opposite ends of the country!

Ancestry’s family tree building site, connected to Ancestry DNA, makes tracing how my DNA matches are related relatively painless!

As of 2020, there were five major DNA testing services offering tests for ancestry or heritage purposes. All results can be used for genealogy if this is your motivation for testing.

Below are our recommended DNA testing companies. Clicking each company name will show example results: Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA and 23andMe; My Heritage DNA and Living DNA all offer various advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered when choosing which company best fits you.

As these are the best companies with reliable products available, I cannot endorse any that aren’t mentioned above.

Consider why you want to test, and use this chart as a way of narrowing down which DNA testing company best meets your motivation for testing:

If you are interested in genealogy, I suggest Ancestry DNA; for those more focused on health information and genealogy simultaneously, 23andMe may be best.
If you are ready to order your DNA test kit, use any of the links below. As soon as your kit arrives, the sooner you will begin discovering all that your ancestor’s DNA can reveal about their lives.

Following are the next steps after ordering your DNA testing kit: (Read on below for more).

Use any of the links below to order a DNA test and help support my efforts as I may receive a very small commission that contributes directly to my work.

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