Have questions about Ancestry DNA tests? In this post, learn how long these exams take, what information they provide and whether the cost justifies its implementation – plus more.
People considering ordering an AncestryDNA test often want to know whether its results will be reliable. Once ordering one, many are eager to know when AncestryDNA will send their results back.
No two answers are ever quite so straightforward as numbers or yes/no statements, but by reading to the end of this post you’ll gain much greater insight into how the DNA testing process works and what to expect during your DNA testing journey.
Over the years, my Ancestry DNA results have provided great entertainment. They’re regularly upgraded and improved; plus I find new DNA matches almost daily!
Thank you for wanting to gain more knowledge about DNA testing! I’m pleased that you want to discover more.
What Can Ancestry DNA Tell Me? An autosomal DNA test such as AncestryDNA can reveal much about you and your ancestry. You could learn where they likely lived as well as identify living relatives who share DNA ties to those from their ancestral lineage.
AncestryDNA results are truly astonishing! Their website makes the experience of your results quick and straightforward; making for an incredibly user-friendly site experience.
Once your saliva sample reaches the lab, an email will notify you every step of the DNA analysis process – from arrival at the lab all the way through delivery of results and back out again! When your results are ready, they will notify you again via e-mail.
Once you access your results page, you will be able to gather valuable knowledge:
Your ethnicity estimate provides information about where your ancestors may have lived; your genetic relatives (DNA matches; people related to you through DNA); and Ancestry DNA ThruLines provide details of how you connect to both DNA matches as well as potential unknown ancestors through your AncestryDNA account.
If you subscribe to Ancestry, you will also be able to:
View the public family trees of your DNA matches (to gain insight into possible relationships)
If you already have both a family tree and subscription on Ancestry, you can also see:
DNA matches share common ancestors that demonstrate your relationship, whether or not you share similar surnames with them and more.
How long does Ancestry DNA results take in 2021?
According to Ancestry DNA, your results should be available within 6-8 weeks from when they receive your test kit at their lab – although some people can receive them much sooner!
I have heard stories of AncestryDNA results being available as soon as two weeks, with most people receiving their results within four. So your results are likely to arrive prior to the eight week mark.
Waiting patiently for DNA results to come back can be trying, and here at The DNA Centre I know first-hand just how difficult that wait can be. Here are a few activities you can try while you wait – from personal experience!
I wrote an extensive post detailing everything you can do while waiting for your DNA results to come in, to ensure you fully comprehend them and gain as much from this experience as possible. By following my suggestions, you are sure to gain clarity into your results and maximize their impact:
Ten Things You Should Do While Waiting for DNA Results Time will fly when you keep yourself entertained while waiting for DNA Results; take advantage of it! Time flies!
How accurate is Ancestry DNA test?
Ancestry DNA is very accurate. I spent years researching my family tree before conducting this test myself and asking dozens of my close and extended relatives to take it too, just for confirmation purposes.
What have I discovered? Ancestry DNA’s ethnicity estimate can provide insight into where your family has resided over the last several hundred years. My family members’ results closely align with our known family history.
AncestryDNA offers exceptionally accurate DNA matches. Their database houses information on over 18 million customers – giving you plenty of matches compared to any other DNA testing company.
Are Ancestry DNA kits effective tools for genealogy and creating family trees?
Ancestry DNA kits can be invaluable tools for genealogy. Their ethnicity estimates can provide guidance in your research while their DNA matches can provide additional confirmation needed to complete your tree.
DNA match lists contain genetic relatives who are related to us in some way; many even come equipped with family trees attached to their DNA results.
Studies of our DNA matches allow us to uncover their common ancestor, who could even be someone we’ve never encountered before!
Ancestry DNA can often help us break through difficult brick walls in our family tree and uncover new collateral lines. There are also more advanced DNA match analysis strategies that can assist with finding out who our ancestors were as well as understanding our DNA matches better.
Chromosome mapping with DNA Painter or the Leeds Method are two strategies designed to take beginners’ DNA results to the next level.
Yes! Ancestry DNA is definitely worth your investment.
AncestryDNA tests cost around $100 and require between 8-16 weeks (usually much less) of waiting. Their value, however, cannot be underestimated.
My Ancestry DNA results are truly a gift that keeps on giving! With every advancement in technology, AncestryDNA takes advantage of scientific advancement to update ethnicity results free of charge.
Utilizing Ancestry DNA, I discovered two first cousins to one of my parents that our family never knew existed, as well as discovering a close family member’s biological father’s family and learning more than I ever could have imagined about my family tree.
Since my DNA results are stored in a database, as more people opt for genetic testing, I can log on and find matches and learn new information about my family – I find new matches almost daily!
Experience has shown me how gratifying genetic genealogy can be! This journey was truly memorable and absolutely worth every moment spent exploring it!
How much does Ancestry DNA test cost? You can typically purchase the Ancestry DNA kit for $99 plus shipping and handling. Most orders arrive within two or three business days depending on where they live and their busyness – although delivery can sometimes happen faster depending on location and other circumstances.
Have you completed the test and are waiting to hear back about how your results have been sent out via e-mail? If that’s the case for you, read my post to understand your results more easily.
Are you have questions or are considering taking the test yourself, let me know in the comments! I look forward to assisting in any way possible!
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