Do you want to try the Family Finder test with Family Tree DNA? In this post, I’ll show an example of Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder results and discuss each aspect. In particular, I will highlight what information could be revealed through this type of test.
Doing a Family Finder test with Family Tree DNA is a fantastic way to explore your family’s ethnic makeup over 300-500 years, gain insights into migration patterns your ancient ancestors followed, and identify living DNA relatives. I feel certain you will be happy with your results whether taking the test out of curiosity or undertaking extensive genealogical research; you won’t regret your results!
I will illustrate an example from one of my family members who took an additional DNA test this September in order to assist my research. Because some DNA does not get passed down from generation to generation, testing additional family members has allowed me to uncover information I would have missed otherwise using only my own DNA as source material.
What can you expect when first receiving your results on Family Finder?
Upon first log-in to Family Finder results, you will see an interactive dashboard resembling this image; click any of the individual tabs to explore all aspects of your results.
What to Expect From MyOrigins Ethnicity Estimation From Family Tree DNA?
One of the main draws to undergoing a genealogical DNA test is exploring your ethnicity report and seeing where your family comes from. We all wish to learn about our roots, so this estimate of your ethnicity can help provide a deeper insight into where the DNA in your ancestry came from. Although an ethnicity estimate can only provide estimates, it still offers valuable insight into where DNA that you inherited originated.
Below is a screenshot from FTDNA of an actual ethnicity estimate (myOrigins). What will yours reveal?
Family Tree DNA can help us determine our ethnicity by comparing our DNA with that of reference populations worldwide to determine who our ancestors were and comparing what DNA we did inherit from them with reference populations worldwide – it’s truly incredible!
Are You Exploring Family Tree DNA’s Ancient Origins?
Do You Wonder Where My Ancestry Has Origins Long Ago? mes Family Tree DNA can provide an approximate percentage of DNA you share with ancient populations primarily located in Europe. If your ancestry differs significantly, non-Europe categories will also be provided and over time as new scientific research becomes available, they will add non-European categories.